
Inspired by the world-renowned Clash Royale, DoragonLand is an insanely simple yet hard to master online battle brawler video game.

Inspired by the world-renowned Clash Royale, DoragonLand is an insanely simple yet hard to master online battle brawler video game. The game integrates elements including action, collectible card games, tower defense, and RTS. DoragonLand pits players in games featuring two or four players (1v1 or 2v2), in which the objective is to destroy the towers of opponents, with the demolition of the Master’s Tower resulting in an instant win. After two minutes, if both sides remain an equal number of towers, the match will continue into a 1-minute overtime period. If no towers are destroyed after the overtime, players will be put into sudden death mode for 30 seconds, in which the recovery speed doubles. Once the sudden death mode is over, if there is a tiebreaker, the winner will be determined by the damage they inflict on their opponent. The game will end up in a draw if there’s no or equal damage caused from both sides.

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