Buildings | Stats | Description |
Rarity: Rare Attack: Melee Mana Cost: 5 Hit Speed: 0 Range: 0 Hit points: 400 Damage: 0 | Spike Dragons spawned all the way! Every 4 seconds a Spike Dragon will spawn and deal some considerable damage to the enemy's towers in this 5 Mana ancient looking building. They can easily form a team behind a tank, causing significantly more damage to towers, although they are still vulnerable to splash damage. | |
Rarity: Rare Attack: Ranged Mana Cost: 4 Range: 6 Hit points: 640 Damage: 150 | This ground-only building fires bombs that cause moderate splash damage at a reasonable rate, making it ideal for swarms. This building is one of the most efficient against ground units in the game, because of its medium hitpoints, 4 Mana cost, and Death Damage. | |
Rarity: Rare Attack: Melee Mana Cost: 6 Range: 0 Hit points: 580 Damage: 0 | A mana for...a mana, but more! This passive well has moderate health and the potential to produce additional Mana for 6 Mana. This will make massive pushes much easier to play, but because to its sensitivity to spells and expensive cost, this well is fraught with danger. | |
Rarity: Common Attack: Ranged Mana Cost: 4 Hit Speed: 5 Range: 3.5-11.5 Hit points: 575 Damage: 104 | Because of the tower's blind area, it's difficult to prevent these explosive fireball shells from striking it and doing a lot of damage. Any enemy troop who goes too close will be disregarded. This building's versatility comes from its ability to snipe towers, modest hitpoints, and low cost of 4 Mana, yet its relatively slow hitspeed means it frequently need additional support against any unit that isn't one shot by its assault. | |
Rarity: Common Attack: Ranged Mana Cost: 4 Range: 5.5 Hit points: 450 Damage: 90 | The Tesla has moderate health and damage for 4 Mana, can fight Hopping Dragon and The Carrier on its own, and can handle small swarms. It hides underground while no one is around, preventing any damage from being done. | |
Rarity: Rare Attack: Melee Mana Cost: 3 Range: 0 Hit points: 220 Damage: 0 | A low-cost spawner that creates Dragon Skeletons every few seconds and has moderate hitpoints for only 3 Mana. When the building is destroyed, four more terrifying Dragon Skeletons appear to exact vengeance. The generated Dragon Skeletons, as well as the avenging ones, can easily distract and eliminate single-target units, making this structure extremely useful. |
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